We fell asleep to rain Sunday night and awoke to it Monday morning (along with the cowbells) and the forecast was for 0-5% sunshine all day. So, we had to scrap our ‘big mountain pass’ day; the guidebook says it’s way to dangerous to do in the rain. So, we took the Post bus (run by the Post office) – along some impossible tight curvy roads through a small canyon – [wpvideo Xinx8JK4]from Griesalp west-ish through the valley to Keintal and then back to the east to Kandersteg (Mom and Dad, this is where we put our car on the train to go through the long mountain tunnel a few years back). |

Kandersteg is a cute little mountain resort town, and it has a cable-car up to one of its main attractions, Oechinensee, a gorgeous glacier lake formed thousands of years ago by a massive landslide that dammed up the streams. It gets its milky green-blue color from pulverized rock, ground up by the glaciers above. It is fed by several waterfalls cascading from the cliffs surrounding it. We hiked up in a brief interlude of sunshine, to get there just in time to see the lake as the clouds rolled in, and then got pretty drenched making our way over to the cable-car to catch a ride back into town. The hot shower at Hotel zur Post (even if it was down the hall) was quite welcome.

We are so enjoying your trip. Every picture is a postcard. Those stairs down were steep ! I’m sure I would have had to crawl down.