The valley was originally settled during a period known as the Walser migrations during the 13th and 14th centuries. Farmers from the canton of Wallis came from the south, over the mountains, and built a number of small communitites high above the flood-prone river. These year-round settlements do not exist anymore (the valley is covered in snow and prone to avalanches in the winter), but a handful of small farms, and some small inns remain.

Obersteinberg is a simple and remote mountain inn stting on a sunny slope just above the treeline. It has been an inn since the late 1800s and has been run for generations by the von Allmen family. It is a working farm; they make their own cheese by hand and serve milk, butter and cheese from their cows in the restaurant.
No electricity! Just candles and oil lamps, indoor toilets and sinks but no showers.
Four couples had brought their children up (3 of the kids were under age 2). The closest road is about 2 hours hike (quite steep). Impressive.