French language school, that is. IMMERSION French language school. As in, all day, every day (8:30-5:30, M-F) NO ENGLISH ALLOWED. And I think this starts from the moment we walk in this morning. Um, I’m scared.
Marks says he feels like he’s going to first grade again. (at least he doesn’t feel like he’s going to the principal’s office, as he actually did more than once in the first grade). Okay, as an aside, I just learned that he got into THREE fights on the first day of first grade (he says all them tiffs). Hopefully nobody here will be trying to establish their turf or their place in the pecking order.
The school is called the Institut de Français. From their website:
“The INSTITUT DE FRANÇAIS in Villefranche, offers a 2- to 4- week French immersion language course for professional adults and mature students who want to acquire rapidly fluency in French. Founded in 1969, its aim is to develop a natural speaking ability by using a unique concept, the “Total Approach”, which combines the most effective audio-visual methods with practice and real-life sessions in a “French-only” speaking environment. In this renowned French language school, by diversifying the students’ activities throughout the day, all possible approaches to learning to speak French are explored. Thus, the students are constantly stimulated and able to apply themselves to learning the language both analytically and instinctively.”
It goes on to explain how all this basically assures that you’ll be speaking French soon, but since there’s a very real possibility that we might be the big exceptions to their rule, we’ll skip that part until we see how things progress. Marks says he’ll be happy with whatever improvement occurs; Shauna has her sights set on reading Proust in French. (lol, jk)
The school is nestled on a hillside above the charming Villefranche-sur-Mer in the French Riviera overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. You really couldn’t get a more idyllic, iconic setting. The view from our little apartment for the month is right off a postcard.
We’re off for our first morning, don’t want to be late for school. We’ll let you know how it goes!

Love the first day of school outfit! Good luck!! ❤️
Sacré bleu! Great outfit!! Absolutely stunning view from the apartment. That sure would make going to school a real challenge. Let’s see……….go to school ( avoid tiffs with Mark) or sit on balcony sipping a fine French wine and enjoy the soft breeze and view. Play nice with the other kids and remember to bring enough for the whole class!!! Mark, no pulling pigtails in class or passing notes. Have fun!!
Bon chance!